third-party-prc-api icon


(0 reviews)

Western Union - Fee Inquiry

Description: This API returns a list of cascades based on query parameters.

The experience API (third-party-api) will push the requests to third-party-prc api which sends the request to wu-sys-api and responds back to the channel.

Channel can send the following data in the query parameter: language (Required), cascadeBankCode (Required), bankName (Mandatory), city (Optional)

Mulesoft Request:


Mandatory Headers: x-correlation-id, client_id, Authorization, x-channel-id, x-bank-id

Optional Headers: x-sub-channel-id, x-user-id, x-debug-flag, x-customer-id, client_secret


URI Params: NA

Query Params: NA

Content-type: application/json

Mulesoft Request:

Request Body:


  "sender": {

    "name": {

      "type": "D"

      "firstName": "HEBREW",

      "lastName": "YARDEN"


    "address": {

      "addrLine1": "1ST STREET",

      "city": "IRBID",

      "postalCode": "11931",

      "country": {

        "countryCode": "JO",

        "countryName": "JORDAN"



    "email": "",

    "contactPhone": "9629501035",

    "mobilePhone": {

      "phoneNumber": {

        "countryCode": "962",

        "nationalNumber": "9629501035"




  "transactionType": "WMN",

  "paymentDetails": {

    "origination": {

      "principalAmount": "500",

      "currencyIsoCode": "JOD",

      "countryIsoCode": "JO"


    "destination": {

      "expectedPayoutAmount": "0",

      "currencyIsoCode": "MXN",

      "countryIsoCode": "MX",

      "stateCode": "CAM",

      "city": "Campeche",




Mulesoft Response:

Success Response: (200)

  "status": {
    "success": true,
    "code": "200",
    "arabicMessage": "تمت العملية بنجاح",
    "englishMessage": "The Operation has been Successfully Completed"
  "response": {
    "sendMoneyValidation": {
      "sender": {
        "name": {
          "type": "D",
          "firstName": "HEBREW",
          "lastName": "YARDEN"
        "address": {
          "addrLine1": "1ST STREET",
          "city": "IRBID",
          "postalCode": "11931",
          "country": {
            "countryCode": "JO",
            "countryName": "JORDAN"
        "email": "",
        "contactPhone": "9629501035",
        "mobilePhone": {
          "phoneNumber": {
            "countryCode": "962",
            "nationalNumber": "9629501035"
      "serviceOptions": [
          "westernUnionProduct": {
            "name": "MONEY IN MINUTES",
            "code": "000",
            "type": "WMN",
            "routingCode": "62000000"
          "transactionType": "WMN",
          "paymentDetails": {
            "origination": {
              "principalAmount": "500",
              "currencyIsoCode": "JOD",
              "countryIsoCode": "JO"
            "destination": {
              "expectedPayoutAmount": "25000",
              "currencyIsoCode": "MXN",
              "countryIsoCode": "MX",
              "stateCode": "CAM",
              "city": "Campeche"
            "promotion": {
              "discount": "0",
              "status": "0"
            "taxes": {
              "tax_amount": "0"
            "fees": {
              "charges": "700"
            "messageCharges": {

            "exchangeRate": "1.3822284",
            "paymentDigest": "03660109AJO250068020520000030100403JOR0503USA06030000703USA0803WMN090003651009256429906120370013010140101505207001603700170101901020002101N0312220023002400",
            "testQuestionFlag": "N"
          "westernUnionProduct": {
            "name": "DIRECT TO BANK - SAME/NEXT DAY",
            "code": "500",
            "type": "WMN",
            "routingCode": "62000000EBD"
          "transactionType": "WMN",
          "paymentDetails": {
            "origination": {
              "principalAmount": "500",
              "currencyIsoCode": "JOD",
              "countryIsoCode": "JO"
            "destination": {
              "expectedPayoutAmount": "25000",
              "currencyIsoCode": "MXN",
              "countryIsoCode": "MX",
              "stateCode": "CAM",
              "city": "Campeche"
            "promotion": {
              "discount": "0",
              "status": "0"
            "taxes": {
              "tax_amount": "0"
            "fees": {
              "charges": "1500"
            "messageCharges": {

            "exchangeRate": "1.3822284",
            "paymentDigest": "03680109AJO250068020520000030100403JOR0503USA06035000705USABD0803WMN09000367100925642990612041500130101401015052150016041500170101901020002101N0312220023002400"
      "testQuestionFlag": "N"

Sample Error Response:

500 :

    "success”:  false,
    "code”:  500,
    "reasonCode”: "Internal Server Error",
    "arabicMessage”: "",
     "englishMessage":"NO MATCHING RECORDS FOUND",
    "backendError": "NO MATCHING RECORDS FOUND",  (if debug flag is on)
    "backendCode": "D0004" (if debug flag is on)
